Secret Of Best First Impression

Posted by Anil (3 years, 2 months ago)

Do you get nervous or anxious before meeting someone important? Experts talk about working on your confidence, body language, assertiveness, etc. But what if all these superficial qualities are not important? Find the secret of best first impression in this video. Once you learn this, all the above mentioned qualities will come naturally.

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First Impression

Imagine you're meeting someone important for the first time. Your mind would be buzzing with thoughts. Am I wearing the right attire? Do I look good? Have I groomed well enough? Am I smiling too much? Am I smiling too less? How about my body language? Did my handshake imply confidence? Is my shoulder drooping?

That's not all, our society has trained us to think about so much more, especially when you start speaking. Did my greeting imply assertiveness? Am I using the right words? The right tone, the right pitch. How about my eye contact? Is it about right? Neither too much. Nor too little. The details are endless.

What do experts say?

When I checked online, I realized that the experts have a really differing views. Some say that assertiveness and confidence are not enough; that you need to somehow show trustworthiness. Then there are some others who talk about availability; that you need to somehow seem available to the person to form a good impression. Then there are some others who talk about researching your person of interest; to plan ahead before you meet.

I just feel that all these things are a bit too superficial and external for my liking. So, as always, I went to my psychology notes.

Just a side note here; when I say psychology notes, it's not just my university notes, but also my research and thoughts that I've collected over the past decade or so. And also being a passionate, proponent of PSY-TECH, or Psychology and Technology combination, I feel it's my duty to get into the roots of all human behavioral problems. So let's see what I found here.


The best way to form a great first impression is to show your true self, forget about assertiveness confidence posture. This is what you need. Let me explain. Let's turn the table for a while. Imagine you're the most important person and that others are trying to impress you. What do you notice now? Wouldn't it be funny if everyone had the right confidence and the right smile and the right eye contact? The world would be funny, in the beginning, but then it would soon get boring, right?

Your brain wouldn't register any impression anymore because brain only registers impressions when they are new and different. So what do you do? You need people to show their uniqueness in order to form good impressions about them.

Discovering uniqueness in 2 ways

Now, there are two ways to find your uniqueness.
1. Hard way
Like I did. I had to do a lot of research, meet people, talk to experts, but eventually I did find my uniqueness, and my strengths and weaknesses.
2. Easy way
There's another option, which my team and I created, it's called Personal Culture. It's like a quiz you can take, and the end of the quiz, you get to know your true self. Either way, the next time you meet someone you feel is important, you exactly know what to do!


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© Anil Mathew